The Table Tab is the calculation made to represent the Dimension comparison Tab
With :
- Dimension_cl: name of the Dimension :
- Segment: name of the segment within this dimension
- Numerator: value of the primary numerator (selected in the menu) for this segment within this dimension
- Denominator: value of the primary denominator(selected in the menu) for this segment within this dimension
- DiffvsMean: difference of the Ratio (Num/Denom) and the mean of the ratio of the overall segment ((NUM/DENOM) – MEAN(NUM/DENOM))
- Ratio: Value of Numerator / Denominator
- Segment_Rank: number of time this segment is appearing in the table
- StdDev: Value of the standard deviation
- StdDev_Wt: Value of the standard deviation weighted according to the Primary denominator