Tableau extension

Gap analysis in Tableau has never been easier with Datama

Welcome to Datama Documentation. In this page, you will learn how to use the demo version of Datama Compare Extension listed on the Tableau gallery

1. Create a source worksheet

In Tableau Desktop, create a new worksheet a source for Datama.

A source worksheet should have all the metrics and dimensions you want to analyse in Datama. Typically a source for Datama will have

Here is an example of a source from The SuperStore default dataset of Tableau.

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about sources

2. Insert the Datama extension in a dashboard

Here is an example of a source from the same dataset as above.

3. Get insights

If you are new to Datama

If you are a Datama Client

4. Publish your workbook

You can then upload publish your Dashboard embedding Datama in Tableau Server or Tableau online so that anyone in your organisation can access Datama’s insights. Just make sure that the Tableau admin authorize Datama’s extension to be published on your organisation.