Pivot - Settings

Here is the different settings available in Datama Pivot

Single Dimension Clusturing:

Multiple Dimensions Clusturing:

Basic setting:s

Metric relation analysis:

Find here the details of the main settings Datama Pivot

Single Dimension Clustering

Aggregation in %

The level of aggregation that the model is using – e.g. if Level of aggregation is set at X%, segment within each dimension that represents less than X% of the Primary Numerator (e.g. Revenues) of the main KPI you’re analyzing will be clustered in one « Other » segment. X is set at 2 by default, but you may want to play with this parameter quite a bit because it can change significantly the calculation of mix effects.

Click on the drop-down arrow to display the settings menu Move the cursor to the right to increase the level of aggregation Click on « Pivot » to get results Segments are now aggregated at the requested level

Maximum Depth For Continuous Grouping

For continuous elements, multiple clusters are created aggregating elements having a similar average KPI. The level of aggregation of the clustering is set by this parameter.

Multiple Dimension Clustering

Maximum Depth Of Decision Tree

The Decision Tree is not yet avalaible in the latest version of Datama Pivot

By increasing the tree depth you increase the detail of the decision tree. It will be more detailed.

Basic settings


Datama Pivot can be used with a comparison. To enable this mode select a dimension and the element you want to compare. Each graph and the comments will be in a Compare mode reflecting the difference of the elements you are comparing.


In Datama Pivot, there is only one ratio to be defined to run the module. This ratio will be used to understand the performance of the dimensions.

Metric relation analysis

Inspect numerator only

When the toggle is checked, Pivot is focusing on the numerator of the step you are currently exploring.

Analyse all metrics relation steps

Datama Pivot can analyse one step or all the steps of your funnel. When the toggle is checked, it displays the Market equation tree slide. You can not activate Inspect numerator only in the same time.

Step interest criteria

There are different options: Value, Standard deviation and Auto.

By default, the most interesting dimension for each step is displayed first, you can of course change the display by right-clicking on the tree.

Analysis depth

The comments summing up the market equation tree have different degrees of analysis. There are 4 different options: Low, Medium, High and Max, each option giving more details than the previous one.