User preferences

Find here how to use the User preferences

Here is the panel of the user preferences for workbook style.

In order to customize your analysis to your needs, Datama allows you to save user preferences at Use Case level or at your profile level. Color palette and default language for example can be modified at both level.

Workbook style

1. Language and colors


1.1 Analysis Language

For now, Datama is only available in English and in French. By default Datama is in english.

1.2 Colors Palette For Plots

Graphs colors are customizable, in 3 different ways. Grayscale, scattered and Custom. The custom method allows to refine color by color all the graphs available in the solution.

1.3 Reverse palette

Reverse palette function allows to reverse the colors used to express growth or loss.

2. Number display

2.1 Compact Numbers

When activated, this toggle allows to automatically display large numbers with appropriate unit (e.g. 1,234 will be displayed as 1.23k).

2.2 Force Rounding

The rounding setting will bypass the smart rounding available in Datama which adapts the number of decimals according to each number.

Custom settings per solution

The settings is detailed separately for each solution :