Display options
- Text size : text size of the waterfall graph (by default at 12)
- Contextual help precision: Out of 10, this ladder allows to adapt the level of detail available in the contextual help (executive summary, info bubble,…). By default the contextual help is at 5.
- Contextual help: Display executive summary and contextual worded sentences in help tooltips of charts. Swith off to avoid contextual help in the interface
- Safe Mode (SafeMode): Activates two important checks:
- The volume of events you’re considering in your analysis (DimensionForFlag, MinValueForFlag): Is the total sum of selected Dimension above a certain threshold both within Start and End ? The idea is to check that your analysis is « significant » and everything you’re saying makes some sense. If not, a flag will be raised. Of course, this is far from a proper statistical significance test. Datama Impact might help you in doing that properly, with the appropriate statistical tests
- The correlation between your dimension is not too high (DimensionsAreNotIndependent). We’re using Chi-Square test here to evaluate the correlations within dimensions. This is important because when you compute a mix effect on two dimensions, it could very well appear that those two mix are actually the same effects. Datama Pivot might help you in understanding this better.
- Label bridges: Choose whether you want to display numbers on waterfall or not
- Print version: Allow to read Shiny chart of segment performance without hovering on it
- Funnel shape: Toggle off to force polygons on table view to be squares instead of trapezes