Power BI extension
Using Datama Solutions as a Power BI extension is a great way to make your report more insightful with the benefits of both Datama and Power BI.
Note: Datama provides two different Power BI extension, the full extension (explained below) and the “light” version available in the Power BI Marketplace.
How to load the extension?
As soon as you received the extension from your Datama point of contact or downloaded from here, you can load the extension to get access to the Datama graphs.
- Select “…” in the visualizations part then “import visual from a file”
- “Import” your extension
- Add your licence key in the Settings: Format your visual > Datama Global Settings > Licence Key

How to use the Datama Extension?
Datama will be basically like a Power BI graph embedded in the visualisation. You will have to configure it as a basic graph adding Dimensions and metrics.
- the first Dimension will be considered as the Start & End Comparison dimension
- the metrics will be the step of your market equation in the order of the metrics. (by default it will be a “prod” equation, this can be changed in the settings: Format your visual > Advanced Settings > Step function)
Contact us (contact@Datama.fr) to get a licence key and install the extension.
How to set up the Datama extension?
- By clicking “Format your visual” and object to display, select the elements your want to view
- Slide 1 chart 1 is the Waterfall
- Slide 1 chart 2 is a funnel representation
- Slide 2 focuses on a specific step with
- chart 1 reprensents the mix and performance variations
- and chart 2 a waterfall zoomed on a step.
Advanced settings >
- Step function : Here you can specify the linking function between the step of the waterfall. Default function is “prod” but can be “sum” or custom: e.g. [1][2](1-[3]) which means step 1 is multiplied by step 2 and multiplied by 1-[3]. You can arrange the steps as you want, just make sure, it’s still as a business sense!
- Main KPI name: By default, last metrics is the main KPI, but it can be renamed here.
- Main KPI unit: Figures will be followed by the unit of the main KPI (€, %…). In case of percentage, the total will be multiplied by 100.
- Language: English or French are currently available for Title and Comments.

How to export my PowerBI graph in Datama?
Once you picked your dimensions and metrics and your graph is generated, you can export it in Datama Compare as a workbook (for more advanced settings)
- Start by giving a name to the workbook in the Datama global settings.

- On your graph, click on the icon just under the “… More options” (right up corner)
- Select “Open in full app”

A pop-up will appear, click ok

Your workbook will automatically be displayed in Datama.

From Datama, you can use advanced settings only available in Datama’ interface. Once saved, the changes will appear in Power BI.
Enjoy the new display in Datama and let’s go deeper into your analysis!